General information about EAC and GOST R for food products

Most types of food products entering the market of Russia and EAEU should undergo obligatory procedure for compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union or the Technical Regulations of the EAEU. As a rule, compulsory EAC certification is not required. It is important to take into account that a number of food products should comply with several technical regulations. At the same time, together with the EAC declaration, you will be able to issue a voluntary GOST R Certificate of Compliance to the Global Expert, that will give an additional advantage over competitors.

For a number of food products and package materials importation to the territory of Russia and the EAEU countries, in addition to EAC deckaration and EAC marking, it will be necessary to additionally conduct state registration of this product (for example, all kinds of baby food and food products for children).

Below is current Technical Regulations list of the Customs Union and the Technical Regulations of the EAEU with a brief food products or packages list under these regulations, as well as the opportunity to get acquainted with the text of these Technical Regulations in English. You can immediately contact us regarding the EAC declaration of food products and obligatory / voluntary certification of your products or contact our experts for further advice.

Food products Technical Regulations for EAC

TR CU 021/2011. On safety of food products.This TR CU includes general requirements for the food products safety and it applies to products (for example, flour products) for which specialized Technical Regulations are not developed.

TR CU 015/2011. On safety of grain.This TR CU contains requirements for safety and requires the mandatory declaration of EAC of such grain products as wheat, rye, rice, oats, barley, maize, millet, peas, beans, lentils, beans, soybeans and a number of other types of grain products.

TR CU 022/2011. Food products in terms of its marking.This TR CU contains mandatory requirements for labeling food products in such a way that it does not mislead consumers, and also contains significant (including important information for health), such as the presence of allergens, etc.).

TR CU 023/2011. On safety of juice products of fruits and vegetable.This TR CU includes general requirements for the safety of food products and applies to products (for example, flour products) for which specialized Technical Regulations are not developed.

TR CU 024/2011. Technical regulation on oil and fat products.This TR CU contains the requirements for safety and requires mandatory declaration of EAS of such fat and oil products as vegetable oils; vegetable oil fractions, margarines, vegetable-cream and vegetable fat spreads, vegetable-cream and vegetable fat fats, specialty fats, confectionery, bakery, milk fat substitutes, cocoa butter equivalents; cocoa butter improvers SOS-type, mayonnaise, mayonnaise sauces, vegetable oil creams, distilled glycerin, non-food fat and oil products: natural glycerin; household soap.

TR CU 027/2012. On safety of certain types of specialized food products, including foods for dietary treatment and dietary preventive nutrition.This TR CU contains mandatory requirements for safety and requires the mandatory declaration of EAC of such products, specialized food products for the nutrition of athletes, specialized food products for pregnant and lactating women, food products of dietary curative and dietary preventive nutrition, including for baby food.

TR CU 029/2012. Requirements for the safety of food additives, flavorings and technological aidsThis TR CU contains safety requirements and requires the mandatory declaration of EAC products such as food additives, complex food additives, flavors, technological aids, food products in terms of the content of food additives, biologically active substances from flavors, residual amounts of technological auxiliaries , as well as the production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of food additives, flavors and technological aids dstv.

TR CU 033/2013. On safety of milk and milk products.This TR CU contains safety requirements and requires mandatory declaration of EAC products such as raw milk and raw materials, dairy products, dairy products, milk products; by-products of milk processing, baby food on a dairy basis for young children (from 0 to 3 years), preschool age (from 3 to 6 years), school age (from 6 years and older), adapted or partially adapted initial or subsequent dairy mixes (including dry ones), dry sour-milk mixes, milk drinks (including dry drinks) for nutrition of young children, milk porridges ready for use, and milk porridges dry (restored to readiness at home for drinking water) for feeding children wounds his age; processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of milk and dairy products, etc.

TR CU 034/2013. On safety of meat and meat productsThis TR CU contains mandatory safety requirements and requires the mandatory declaration of EAC products such as meat, by-products, raw fat and products of its processing, blood and products of its processing; bone and products of its processing, raw intestinal; raw materials collagen-containing and products of its processing (including gelatin); meat and meat-containing sausages; meat and meat-containing semi-finished products and culinary products; slaughter products for baby food; meat products for baby food, etc.

TR EEU 040/2016. On safety of fish and fish products. This TR CU contains the requirements for safety and requires the mandatory declaration of EAC products such asfreshly frozen fish, salted fish, spiced salting and pickled, smoked fish, dried and sun-dried and balyk products, caviar, seafood, food, fish packed products, canned and pre-canned seafood, canned fish. Fats and vitamins, fodder fish meal, algae products, etc.

TR EEU 044/2017. On safety of packaged potable water including natural mineral water(enter into force in 2019) This TR CU contains the requirements for safety and requires the mandatory declaration of EAC products such as blended drinking water, processed drinking water,natural drinking water, drinking water for baby food; artificially mineralized drinking water, etc.

What is EAC declaration of food products?

EAC declaration is a form of products confirmation of conformity of food products and packaging to the requirements of one or few Technical Regulations on the part of the manufacturer and his official representative in the territory of the EAC. During the declaration of food products the manufacturer and his representative (representative details):  

  • independently prepares the documents required package for EAC declaration;

  • ensures the availability of the necessary protocols for products laboratory testing from authorized accredited laboratories;

  • draws up, according to the approved EAC form, the Declaration of Conformity;

  • registers the declaration, together with the required set of documents, in a Unified database of the EAC Declaration of Conformity;

It is important to know that a number of functions of the manufacturer while declaring have the right to take over the certification body. 

How do we work in the field of food product declaration:


We get information from the manufacturer about projected food products supply to the EAEU market (download application form);


We hold a preliminary review and determine whether the product falls under the requirements for mandatory confirmation of compliance, availability of appropriate Technical Regulations, the required type of confirmation of compliance (EAC certification or EAC declaration, GOST R certification, etc.), certification scheme, necessary requirements. Also at this stage, we provide information about other requirements (for example, sanitary, hygiene, industry, etc.) need to be done to deliver products to the market of Russia and the EAEU countries.


In the absence of an official EAC representative on the territory of the EAEU, which can be an applicant under the laws of Russia and the EAEU countries, we provide a service to fulfill the function of a representative on the territory of the EAEU for the purposes of products certification.


After agreeing the type and scheme of certification and resolving the issue with the presence of an official EAC representative on the territory of the EAEU, we complete an agreement for the performance of the necessary work and conduct work and provide the Customer with the appropriate EAC certifications or EAC declarations, as well as laboratory test reports accredited in EAEU and extracts from common registers of registered EAC certificates or EAC declarations.


We pay your attention to the fact that incorrectly issued EAC Certificates or Declarations, their absence in common bases of declarations and certificates, the products test reports mismatch with the requirements of technical regulations, absence of state registration in addition to certification will lead to the suspension or prohibition of your products supply, fines and litigation.

Proffesionals qualification and experience of Global Expert, ability to work in the international market with foreign manufacturers from different countries of Europe, Asia and America and our impeccable business reputation will allow you to avoid all the above mistakes and ensure unhindered access of products to the markets of Russia and the EAEU countries.

Terms and prices for EAC certification and EAC declaration

EAC CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY to one Technical Regulation:
  • Price - from 400 USD.

  • Terms - from 3 days.

EAC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY to one technical regulation:
  • Price - from 250 USD.

  • Terms - from 2 days.​​​​​​​

REJECTION LETTER when your product is not the subject of EAC conformity assessment
  • Price - from 100 USD

  • Terms - from 2 days.