About the EAC official representative
In accordance with the EAEU legislation, every foreign manufacturer that supplies products to the EAEU markets, that are subjects to mandatory EAC certification or EAC declaration shall have an official representative on the territory of EAEU, who will be the applicant for products certification or declaration, and also be responsible for quality and safety of imported products. The foreign manufacturer shall complete a formal agreement with such representative. The official representative shall be a legal entity or an individual who is a resident of one of the EAEU countries.
Without an agreement with an official representative on the territory of the EAEU, which will act as an applicant and bear administrative and criminal responsibility for the quality and safety of the products supplied inside the EAEU, EAC products certification and declaration of a foreign manufacturer is impossible!
How we can help:
Global Expert Group, registered in St. Petersburg, Russia, will provide you with an official representative on the territory of EAEU and will act as an applicant for products certification or declaration in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.
Please note that a representative or a subsidiary of the manufacturer, a dealer, a buyer of products may, for example, act as a representative, but often either the manufacturer still does not have a representative in the EAEU territory, or the buyer is not able to act as a representative who will be responsible for the quality and safety of the supplied foreign products.
Unlike most bodies that offer services for EAC certification and EAC declaration, we offer a full range of services in this area, starting with the conclusion of the official representative's agreement, filing on his behalf an application and obtaining the necessary certificates, declarations, and licenses.
How do we work:
We get information from the manufacturer about projected products supply to the EAEU market (download application form);
We hold a preliminary review and determine whether the product falls under the requirements for mandatory confirmation of compliance, availability of appropriate Technical Regulations, the required type of confirmation of compliance (EAC certification or EAC declaration, GOST R certification, etc.), certification scheme, necessary requirements. Also at this stage, we provide information about other requirements (for example, sanitary, hygiene, industry, etc.) need to be done to deliver products to the market of Russia and the EAEU countries.
In the absence of an official EAC representative on the territory of the EAEU, which can be an applicant under the laws of Russia and the EAEU countries, we provide a service to fulfill the function of a representative on the territory of the EAEU for the purposes of products certification.
After agreeing the type and scheme of certification and resolving the issue with the presence of an official EAC representative on the territory of the EAEU, we complete an agreement for the performance of the necessary work and conduct work and provide the Customer with the appropriate EAC certifications or EAC declarations, as well as laboratory test reports accredited in EAEU and extracts from common registers of registered EAC certificates or EAC declarations.
We pay your attention to the fact that incorrectly issued EAC Certificates or Declarations, their absence in common bases of declarations and certificates, the products test reports mismatch with the requirements of technical regulations, absence of state registration in addition to certification will lead to the suspension or prohibition of your products supply, fines and litigation.
Proffesionals qualification and experience of Global Expert, ability to work in the international market with foreign manufacturers from different countries of Europe, Asia and America and our impeccable business reputation will allow you to avoid all the above mistakes and ensure unhindered access of products to the markets of Russia and the EAEU countries.
Terms and prices for EAC certification and EAC declaration
to one Technical Regulation:
Price - from 400 USD.
Terms - from 3 days.
REJECTION LETTER when your product is not the subject of EAC conformity assessment
Price - from 100 USD
Terms - from 2 days.
EAC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY to one Technical Regulation:
Price - from 250 USD.
Terms - from 2 days.