General information about EAC and GOST R certification of light industry products

Products related to light industry (clothing, footwear, accessories, etc.), sold on the territory of Russia and the EAEU countries, should comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 017/2011, On safety of light industry products. Depending on the type of product, it should pass the mandatory EAC certification or EAC declaration.

In addition to the specialized Technical Regulations, light industry products in some cases should also comply with other regulations.

In addition to mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations, light industry products can also be certified in the framework of the voluntary GOST R system, which will increase its competitiveness and allow meeting the requirements of customers on the territory of Russia and the EAEU countries.

Technical Regulations applicable for light industry products

TR CU 017/2011. On safety of light industry products. This TR CU includes the requirements for:Mandatory EAC certification of linen, corsetry and bathing group products; The mandatory EAC products declaration of textile materials, clothing and garments and knitted garments, carpet coatings and machinery, fur and fur products, leather and leather products, artificial leather

TR CU 007/2011. On safety of products intended for children and adolescents. Light industry products (including garments, leather, furs, knitwear, footwear, leather goods, etc.) intended for children and adolescents should, in addition to TR CU 007/2011, be certified or declared for compliance with this Technical Regulation.

TR CU 019/2011. On safety of personal protective equipment Clothing and footwear, which is a means of individual protection from mechanical damages, temperatures, radiation, etc., as well as special high visibility signaling, should necessarily pass the EAC certification or EAC declaration for compliance with the requirements of this Technical Regulation.

What is EAC certification and EAC declaration?


Mandatory EAC certification is a form of confirmation of conformity of products to the requirements of Technical Regulations by an authorized accredited certification body. During the certification procedure, the certification body:

  • receives an application from the authorized representative of the manufacturer on the territory of the EAC (more about the representative)

  • hold a review of the products information;

  • hold a product results tests review conducted by suitably authorized accredited laboratories;

  • For a number of EAC certification schemes, the experts of the certification body conduct a verification of the manufacturer's production site;

  • In case of successful results, the certification body issues an EAC Compliance Certificate (example) and registers the certificate in the Unified EAC Compliance Database.


EAC declaration is a form of confirmation of conformity of products to the requirements of Technical Regulations on the part of the manufacturer and his official representative on the territory of the EAEU. During the declaration the manufacturer and his representative (representative details):

  • independently prepares the package of documents required for EAC declaration;

  • provides the availability of the necessary protocols for products laboratory testing from authorized accredited laboratories;

  • draws up, according to the approved form, the Declaration of Conformity;

  • registers the declaration with the necessary set of documents in a Unified EAC Declaration of Conformity database 

How do we work:


We get information from the manufacturer about projected products supply to the EAEU market (download application form);


We hold a preliminary review and determine whether the product falls under the requirements for mandatory confirmation of compliance, availability of appropriate Technical Regulations, the required type of confirmation of compliance (EAC certification or EAC declaration, GOST R certification, etc.), certification scheme, necessary requirements. Also at this stage, we provide information about other requirements (for example, sanitary, hygiene, industry, etc.) need to be done to deliver products to the market of Russia and the EAEU countries.


In the absence of an official EAC representative on the territory of the EAEU, which can be an applicant under the laws of Russia and the EAEU countries, we provide a service to filfull the function of a representative on the territory of the EAEU for the purposes of products certification.


After agreeing the type and scheme of certification and resolving the issue with the presence of an official EAC representative on the territory of the EAEU, we complete an agreement for the performance of the necessary work and conduct work and provide the Customer with the appropriate EAC certifications or EAC declarations, as well as laboratory test reports accredited in EAEU and extracts from common registers of registered EAC certificates or EAC declarations.


We pay your attention to the fact that incorrectly issued EAC Certificates or Declarations, their absence in common bases of declarations and certificates, the products test reports mismatch with the requirements of technical regulations, absence of state registration in addition to certification will lead to the suspension or prohibition of your products supply, fines and litigation.

Professionals qualification and experience of Global Expert, ability to work in the international market with foreign manufacturers from different countries of Europe, Asia and America and our impeccable business reputation will allow you to avoid all the above mistakes and ensure unhindered access of products to the markets of Russia and the EAEU countries.

Difficulties with EAC certification and EAC declaration for foreign companies:

  • All processes and procedures shall be done only in Russian language or languages of other EAEU member states,

  • All lab tests shall be done by EAEU accredited laboratories,

  • All technical documentation for certification and declaration shall be done in Russian language of other EAEU member states langauges.

  • All legal requirements also only in local labguages,

  • EAC certification market is full of uncompetent companies and just a deceivers

  • According to Russian and EAEU regulations producer financially and administratively responsible for any mistakes in certification or declaration,

  • Rules of Russian and EAEU certification oftenly changing and it is hard to follow all the new and changed rules related to certification. 

Cooperation with Global Expert Group will decrease all mentioned above risks and help you to enter the market and develop your business!

Terms and prices for EAC certification and EAC declaration

EAC CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY to one Technical Regulation:

  • Price - from 400 USD.

  • Terms - from 3 days.

 EAC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY to one Technical Regulation:

  • Price - from 250 USD.

  • Terms - from 2 days.​​​​​​​

 REJECTION LETTER when your product is not the subject of EAC conformity assessment

  • Price - from 100 USD

  • Terms - from 2 days.